Saturday, November 21, 2009


Last night I drove west from downtown towards Workplace to get The Boy from daycare. It was dry, for the first time in a while, and close to 5, so pretty much dark. And then suddenly the sky lit up. And then again. And again. And again. Lightening. I called The Man.

"There's a great lightening storm out over the ocean!" I said. "But I can't hear the thunder and it's not raining!"

Ha ha ha ha.

By the time I got to the daycare, it was raining. Just rain, nothing too special for Vancouver. And as I stood inside the daycare waiting for the story to finish, there was a BOOM that seemed to shake the place. And then another. And another. We finished up the story, and went out to the car, and in the 1o0 metres we walked, we got SOAKED. It was just Coming. Out. Of. The. Sky. Sheets of rain. And lightening. And thunder. So close together I knew we were pretty much right in the eye of the storm. And on a bluff. In a metal car. I drove as fast as the pick up area and visibility would allow --- which was, if one was being safe, about 20kph. There was so much rain that the drains were backing up and the puddles at the side of the road actually slowed the car down and sprayed higher than the roof. (Don't worry -- there wasn't anyone walking or biking in that mess!) It torrented the rest of the way home, but the storm was moving fast -- I saw several more flashes of lightening, but by the time we arrived home about seven km away, there was no more thunder.

Just torrential rain.

We were thinking of heading out for sushi last night, but I decided that walking in this weather would be a bad idea. So we stayed home and had frozen pizza.

All that was missing, once we dried off, was a roaring fire. Ah well. Next weekend we're having the chimney swept, and we can indulge our love of fires.

Of course, next weekend we are promised some sun, which should be a great change from the two weeks of unbelievable wetness.

Forecast for today: rain. Don't even ask about the rest of the week.

1 comment:

erin said...

This weather has been nuts! Times like these I'm thankful I live at a high elevation - I feel for the people who live in the valleys.