Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'm pretty sure this is a precursor to frat boy belching

This evening, my son was lying in bed in the dark. He's got a bit of a cold -- what can I say, he's a kid in daycare, and a mild cold this time of year is pretty much constant. And I heard the familiar sound of a small toddler ... er, let's just say playing with his nose. And then ... 

"Is this a booger?"

Moments later the unmistakable sound of lips smacking and then ... 

heh. "Yup!"


I hesitate to print this because any self-respecting mother would be teaching her child not to pick his nose, but I do this favour to mothers everywhere: I am not perfect. I don't always (read: never) reprimand my child for wiping his nose with his hand (he doesn't really pick), because I'm concentrating on the important stuff. Please try and remember to use the potty, not the new underwear. Or please eat that, don't play with it and then throw it on the floor. Frankly I even rate can you ask mommy nicely and use your manners, please? above the occasional smeary sleeve. And definitely I rate No no no don't pound the keyboard on mommy's laptop!!! above many other things. 

I do have my priorities.

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