Thursday, September 11, 2008


Last night I slept poorly. The child was up at 4:30 for no apparent reason and needed mommy for more than an hour; I finally fell asleep again only to be woken by him again in the middle of a dream. I felt groggy and wanted a nap all damn day. 

I have mentioned -- probably ad nauseum -- that I have the child who doesn't sleep. That he didn't sleep through the night until a few months ago, at 2.25, and that by the end of it, I was feeling so far beyond exhausted that I was literally not thinking straight. And one of the things that has been so troubling recently is that while he was sleeping more regularly, and five nights of seven I was getting seven or eight hours of sleep per night, I wasn't feeling any better! What the hell?

And then today. Today when I felt like crawling into bed all day and it dawned on me -- I used to feel this way all the time. I don't anymore. I'm still tired. But I'm less likely to be I-am-five-steps-away-from-complete-collapse tired. 

I guess you don't know what you got 'til it's gone ... as far as sleep is concerned. Both ways. 


JS said...

The last time I felt that tired, I was newly pregnant. ;)

Just sayin'... ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I hear you. At some point I remember SP being sick with something and up and being needy all night long, and suddenly realized through the exhausted haze that this had become unusual. It was amazing.

We have had a sleep miracle at our house this week. SP decided she wanted to stay in her own bed till morning after we put her in there, and announced that this was going to happen, and then it did. Three nights in a row. I almost hesitate to talk about it, lest it disappear ... but it just goes to show that progress does happen. Just not always when we want it to (because we've tried this before, and achieved only abject failure).