Friday, December 4, 2009

Wha ... ??

Seriously? December?? How? What? Who?


That's pretty much all I have to say, to be honest.

I've been enjoying the week -- after November what was constant deluge, this entire week has been sunny and beautiful, albeit COLD. And by COLD I mean it only gets up to about 5 each day, and actually freezes at night, which is of course as cold as I think weather should EVER GET. My iPhone is set up to show me weather from various places across the globe, and over the next few days in Alberta it looks like the HIGH will be about -15, with lows of close to -30, which is just plain insanity. It makes me wonder how our forefathers coped. I mean, arriving from nice temperate (by comparison) England and northern Europe, coming in the nice warm summer and then -- Good LORD! -- coming through a winter where most of the people starved and the temperatures reached lows they'd never even considered possible. I'm really very surprised they didn't just jump back on the boats never to return.

My grandparents did this very thing -- not the high tailing and running part -- but did immigrate to Canada from England in the 1950s, from southern England to WINNIPEG of all places. Winnipeg that was so cold that the sound board in their piano split clean in two and ruined the damn thing. I imagine that the cold was quite a shock to the system, given they were used to dressing their three little boys in cute little shorts. And if they'd done that in Winnipeg winter their knees would have frozen clean off.

Not entirely sure I'm going anywhere with this.

Anyway. Suffice to say -- it's been a long week (hence no posting) but at least the sun has been shining. And there's more sun to come, which will really be nice. Now I'm just looking forward to a weekend of fireplace fires and not much else. I hope.

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