Tuesday, January 25, 2011


My daughter will be nine months old in less than a week and still has shown no interest in eating anything at all. Oh, she loves food. Loves to hold it, look at it, and generally make a mess with it, but not put it anywhere in the vicinity of her mouth. This is actually kind of annoying, because she will not let me eat in peace but because she's nursing non-stop I need to eat A LOT. So my days are full of a fussing,reaching child while I frantically cram my mouth with anything I can eat.

So in order to eat in peace I end up giving her all kinds of things to hold which are not only not appropriate for a baby to eat but probably chokable and injurious, really. Like potato chips and chocolate chip cookies. Not ideal for baby's first food, I admit.

I had a little bit of hope the other day when, while holding a potato chip, she mimicked me and put it to her lips. I hastily grabbed it and got her a piece of banana, which i felt was more appropriate. It was swiftly dropped to the floor in distaste. But, like last time, I am getting to the point where I will give here anything -- recommendations be damned -- if she will just consent to eat it for God's sake. And years from now if she ever asks what here first food was I will honesty be able to answer that it was bacon. Or chocolate cake. Or bacon AND chocolate cake, just for the love of all that is holy.

The good news, I suppose, is that I got into a pair of size 6 jeans at The Gap the other day.

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