Friday, November 19, 2010


The other night I went off to a meeting of the daycare parent council. I'm a member now. One of the officers, I suppose, if you want to get technical. It's not a big job or an important one -- a few hours of my time, putting in an effort to help out here and there. It's not a big deal at all.


I'm totally happy with my life. I'm almost 37. I'm a mother to two. I'm the school volunteer. My career is fine. It's all good.

But 21 year old me wonders how the hell I got here. The PTA Mom? Really? I can handle the house and the career and the parenthood but now I'm starting to feel like a caricature.

And yet at the same time? 37 year old me wonders when she'll start feeling like a grown up.

How did my mom always look so together when I feel like I'm faking it?!

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