Monday, May 2, 2011


Blogging has been very hard with a mobile baby, and back-to-work prep, and wanting to just spend as much as time as possible away from screens, frankly. I've been spending my sparse spare time at the new daycare, acclimatizing The Girl -- not leaving her, of course, but visiting and letting her get a feel for the place and the people. She's been enjoying it, and it paid off in spades this morning when I waved bye-bye and there was No. Crying.


At all.

I mean, from her. I left her there, walked out to my car for my things, sat down and cried. I'm going to miss my baby, miss my easy days at home, miss having a relatively clean house, miss having time to myself, and miss most of all the rainy afternoons when I'd crawl into bed with my daughter and lay there half asleep while she snoozed, feeling her tiny body calmly sleeping cuddled against me.

It's not like any of this is over and done with. There will just be a lot less of it. Which is sad.

Anyway I am thrilled she survived her first hour without me. (Daycare initiation: one hour the first day. Two the next. etc.) Totally thrilled and pleased she had a good time.

And totally aware that this is Not Over Yet.

An hour means no eating and no sleeping. Heck she was only just getting tired for her first nap when I got back. Everything changes with a sleepy baby. Or a hungry one.

But you know, one hurdle at a time. This first one we scaled with ease, and I can't tell you how happy that makes me. There's nothing worse than walking away, smiling, from a screaming, reaching baby. And not having to do that today was a gift.

* * * * *

In other news, we're having a federal election today. We're also having a provincial by-election in this area, so our mail has been FULL of campaign stuff recently. I appreciate it, most of it. But one of my biggest pet peeves is negative campaigning. Don't send me stuff about the bad things your opponents have done, or will do. Tell me what You Will Do for me. I can make up my own mind. It's insulting to me as a citizen, and can I just say? Politics is full of negativity. The world is full of negativity. Be positive for a change. Put that out there.

I won't vote for you on principle otherwise.

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