Sunday, June 20, 2010


The Man has been away for four days. Last week he was gone the whole
week. Each week was full of long days, of client meetings that lasted
all day and business dinners long into the evening which had to be
followed up later in the hotel room answering email and putting out
fires in the home office.

Yesterday's trip home was, due to delays, easily twice as long as it
should have been. He should have been home at 9pm but was instead home
about 1:30am. And then was harrassed by the cat for an hour.

After two long weeks of tiring work and travel, and five short hours
of sleep, he still got up this morning when a small voice said "I
really missed you Daddy."

We all did.

And we're very glad you are home to celebrate Father's Day with us,
bead bracelet and key chain and all.

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