Saturday, October 23, 2010

One of my goals while on mat leave is to re-organize our very small abode so it's less cluttered and more manageable for when I go back to work. I have come to realize that I must have less stuff in order to feel more organized, and so much of the stuff is superfluous anyway.

In my case, the extra stuff -- well, a lot of it is books, and books .... it's hard for me to get rid of books. Very hard. They are old friends, these books, they speak to who I am and where I have come from and I love them, so many of them. I like the fact that I own five English dictionaries, because I remember the getting of each of them -- inherited from a friend, found in university when I couldn't afford one, etc. etc.

But with children come many sacrifices, and one of those sacrifices is to go through the books, at the very least, and get rid of the ones that aren't friends so as to free up more space for the kids' things. And so I have. I have about $100 in credit at the nearby used bookstore (couldn't take cash. Now I can get more books! Don't tell me this is illogical, I don't want to know.) And today I spent some time re-organizing the bookshelves, placing them in alphabetical order, lovingly repositioning and placing and remembering each one.

It's extraordinary how much pleasure I get from the books -- even beyond reading them, just having them and holding them and looking at them and organizing them. Sigh. It might just be a sickness.

But I wouldn't be writing this out unless I suspected that at least one or two people who might read this might feel exactly the same way.



wealhtheow said...

Hee ;)

I went to a colloquium thingy yesterday and came home with a big stack of new books. Logically, I should do what I do when I buy a new skirt or a new pair of shoes, and Goodwill some old ones that I don't want/need anymore (don't fit, have holes in, etc.), but somehow it doesn't seem to work like that with books...

erin said...

Definitely. I went through my books before I moved and sold about half of them to Half Price Books. It was hard, especially when I had to decide whether to keep books I hadn't read yet! In some cases, I let them go, knowing that I wasn't ever going to read them. But, I will say, having less has been my greatest achievement of the year. I wish I could explain how wonderfully different I feel now that I only own what I like and use, but I can't put it into words. All I can say is that it's an amazing, freeing feeling!

And I've got a Kindle on my Christmas list. I HATE to give up books, but I need some way to keep my personal library manageable. We'll see how long it lasts... I am addicted to the smell of books. And I live a block away from a LOVELY independent bookstore. :)