Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Clearly needing to get out more

So late this morning we had a dentist appointment, and we arrived home at lunch time in quite a state -- hungry, tired, grumpy, the three of us. By the time we'd slept (one of us) and eaten (two of us) it was nap time at daycare and while they are flexible about arrival time they do kinda prefer it if you don't drop off then. So I just decided we'd stay home, which was fine enough. We went off to a local store with a stroller to do an errand or two.

While out, I decided it was such a nice day that we really ought to hit the park. I'm such a homebody that I honestly dislike going to the park. Why, I don't know. Prefer my creature comforts. Or am just lazy. One or  the other. My son of course was in favour of the idea, so we walked another three blocks to the "good" park.

As we're walking across the parking lot, he's practicing his throwing skills, miming underhand throws and overhand, and then says to me, completely seriously,

"Mom, do you think you could throw a dead mouse WITHOUT blood from here to the fenced-in part like this?" He mimes an underhand throw.

If there's one thing I've learned as a mother it's to just go with the flow.

So I say, "I don't know. I don't think so. I've never tried throwing mice."

He continues to make the motions, trying different moves. "I bet my dad could."

I ponder this information. "I don't know. I've never seen your dad throw mice."

"I bet he did when he was a boy. He's always throwing stuff around. I bet he could."

"Sure, maybe he could indeed."

Clearly we need to introduce this child to the concept of the BALL.

1 comment:

wealhtheow said...