Saturday, October 10, 2009

Freakish Coincidence?

The Boy was due on my birthday, at the end of March. He was born three weeks early to the day, on a day we never expected, the one that belonged in fact to my father's father, the day on which we had joked to everyone (and I mean everyone -- at least in the family) -- if the baby is that early we'll name him / her after my grandfather!

We ended up having to do so. Not that we're at all sorry, but still.

What's even weirder about that is that *I* was due on my grandfather's birthday, and was almost three weeks late. An hour from being induced.

My father asks me today, after they arrive -- when's this next baby due?

May fifth, I tell him.

And he says -- the grandfather you never knew? Your mother's father? His birthday was May 2. Three days early (instead of three weeks) and you can have a kid born on each of their great-grandfather's birthdays.

This time, I haven't made any jokes -- or any promises -- about naming this coming baby after his great-grandfathers should he / she arrive on the proscribed day.

I know it's dumb, but it's stuff like this that makes me believe in a higher power. The little things. The seeming random -- and yet not random -- stuff. I think maybe God is in the details.


JS said...

Sometimes having a degree in statistics makes me a real party pooper. I will not poop at your party. ;)

Instead, I say "Wow! How cool and freaky!"

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. :D

JS said...

Hang on, your mother's _mother_ was the grandfather you never knew?

Hmmmm while that kind of makes sense why you never knew him, it is still possibly not meant to be the way I'm reading that.

If your mother's mother was your grandfather, then wow - freakish indeed! :D ;)

Genie said...

Thanks JS .. fixed!!

wealhtheow said...

Wow. Freaky.

My brother-in-law acquired his name -- which belonged to DH's paternal grandfather, IIRC -- by being a boy when my mother-in-law z"l was convinced he would be a girl.

You are wise not to promise anything!

erin said...

That IS weird... and you know me, I don't think there are such things as coincidences. I love the little patterns of life that connect us and the Universe.