Sunday, October 18, 2009

wa ha ha ha ha

So my kid has started having nightmares. Or bad dreams, I suppose, is more accurate. Preschooler bad dreams. You know -- he's not having nightmares about not being able to retire because his RRSPs aren't full, he's not showing up at the high school cafeteria naked, he's not reliving painful moments of his dating career. Preschool stuff.

Last night's, for instance, was him waking up and insisting that he be given "Pancakes and CHEESE! I want pancakes and CHEESE! and CCCCHHHHEEESSSE!!!!!"

I assured him that at wake up time, he could have whatever he wanted, and then there wasn't another peep out of him.

It's for this reason I figure they are nightmares -- he wakes up, yells about something, I manage to reassure him, he blanks out again.

But does any one else find it amusing that my kid only slept through the night a year ago, and NOW is waking up in the night again needing to be soothed from dreams? No one else? Just me then?


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