Friday, October 23, 2009


When I dropped of The Boy at daycare this morning, he was one of five children there. There are normally 24 children. Now granted, I know that some probably arrived later, and some were being kept home just as a precaution (even though let's face it -- the horse has left the barn here, people), but a quarter of the students left in ... that's one virulent (er) virus.

I did read this morning that they anticipate this week will be the peak of the fall flu, with numbers declining next week for Halloween. And then of course there will be another peak again later in the winter.

How they predict these things, I have no idea.

But wow, that was one powerful nasty. Cross fingers that we got off as lightly as it seems to appear right now ...

1 comment:

JS said...

It is also a BC wide professional development day at school. Perhaps families are hanging out together?

A utopian vision...