Sunday, April 19, 2009

Apparently I don't have much to say here these days

I looked at my log of posts and realized that I haven't posted in a week, as of this morning's post, and thought that was awfully strange considering the last four months I have been posting quite regularly. I don't know why this is; it's not like work has been so terribly busy that I haven't been able to write. Somehow the entire month of April has just gotten away from me and I am completely astonished that it is already the 20th tomorrow. 

We spent the weekend getting ourselves into readiness for the next daycare. I've been a terribly negligent parent, and still have my child in a 'muddy buddy' of 18 months size (how they squeeze him into it is beyond me) (we don't have to purchase snowsuits here in Vancouver, just rainsuits. I remember having one as a small child as well.); he also has boots far too small and I think he's been wearing leftovers from the daycare for months now. He needed a sunhat as well and a blanket and sheet (the last daycare provided sheets; his blanket is now too small as well). Funny thing about not having a crib is that I have no crib sheets to spare and had to buy a completely new one for a child I am greatly hoping will never nap at the new daycare. 

We also took ourselves to a number of stores trying to find a "push bike" for our child -- these things all in fashion these days with two wheels and no pedals that small kids push along and figure out balance with. Our son was quite enamoured of this prospect until we actually found a bike, whereupon he tried it and pronounced it "too tippy". Which is exactly the point, of course, but we also figured that dropping $100 on a bike he didn't actually like was sheer foolishness. I suppose that given his parents' propensity for idle pursuits, he's not likely to suddenly gain a wish for physical activity ... although I admit that does kind of worry me, and I am greatly hoping that The Man's stated desire to get back on his bicycle for his commute will inspire our child into more interest in things active. 

Although I admit that 35 years of reading, writing, knitting, and other slothful activities sure has been enjoyable for me. 

This afternoon we took ourselves to the birthday party of The Boy's special friend, to which his mother had invited as many as fifteen families, which completely astounded me. She confessed to me when I arrived that she had no idea what to do with them all and I privately thought that perhaps fewer families might be a better choice for a party for a child turning three ... much more manageable. But I think my own preference for teeny tiny parties -- or no parties at all -- is probably a bit pathological and perhaps such a large gathering is more normal than I assume. In any case we enjoyed our short stay, for the most part, and even had some cake, with pink frosting. I am glad it's not my only three year old boy who has a liking for pink.

And tomorrow ... well, back to work, of course. Nothing much to report there. We are moving offices in two weeks or so and I have been in my office for ... god, I can't even admit it ... almost five and a half years now ... and so there's a great deal of detritus in there. I've been trying to go through it all for a few weeks already, and have finally gotten down to a single filing drawer and a shelf of boxes, so the end is in sight, and I'm looking forward to moving into a new office with hardly anything in it besides what I actually need. Quite a concept. I will miss this old office, though, it's been a nice one, with a big window that actually opens and a door that actually closes, allowing me a nice amount of privacy and alone time that's sorely lacking in my life these days. The new office also has a door and a window, which is fortunate, but the window won't open and I think I'll miss the fresh air greatly. I suppose all the more reason to actually leave the office once in a while.

Annnnd this is why I haven't posted in a week. Because the small details of life? Not so terribly thrilling. 

1 comment:

erin said...

Speaking of too big birthday parties, my BFF just survived a 75 person party for her 4 year old. Oh yeah. 75 people. Apparently they had to invite the whole neighborhood because her hubby somehow procured fireworks (they live in the country) and they wanted to avoid any run-ins with the police.

Anywho, as 4 year olds are wont to do, her little one decided she wanted to open gifts during the party with one of her friends. Which they did. Without anyone knowing about it until it was too late. Ha!