Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Computer kid

One of the advantages of having a partner who works for a high-tech firm is the provision of a laptop computer from the workplace which allows us to, in effect, have a computer each. His doesn't technically belong to us, of course, but still. 

The Man's computer is slightly bigger than mine -- if the company buys, you may as well get the bigger screen -- and The Boy is well aware of whose is whose. The big one is daddy's. The smaller one is mommy's. If we had another one I'm sure Goldilocks would suddenly appear.

This morning as he sat with his dad on the couch, my son looked at the large computer and said "That one is daddy's", and then turned around to look at my computer and said "That one is mommy's." and then looked straight at his father and said "Daddy, we need to buy another computer for me."

We were really hoping that the materialism wouldn't kick in for another couple of years, but I think that perhaps having two computers in the house means we kind of set ourselves up for that one. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trust me, by the time he's SP's age you're going to wish you did have three computers :P (Actually, I would settle for two.) Last night I had an idea*, and was reduced to writing it in longhand in one of my writing-while-riding-around-on-the-bus notebooks because DH was playing a computer game and SP was watching him and kibitzing. And, you know, it's one thing to evict everyone else from the household computer because you have paying work to do, but "I need the computer! I just had an idea!!" goes over a lot less well :P

*OK, what actually happened was that one of my characters really wanted me to write something about the slow-motion disaster that was his last relationship. Sigh.