Sunday, September 7, 2008


Yesterday in the toy store, I saw a woman pushing a stroller, wearing what looked like a sling. I looked closer and decided it couldn't possibly be a sling, it was far too low. Later on, I happened by to see her patting the sling and it was definitely holding a baby -- down by her hips! A tiny baby! Near her hips! To swing, and bump, and hit her stroller! Wha??!!


Yesterday at dinner, The Boy looked at me, smirking with barely disguised mirth. "Are you my MAMmy?? my MAMmy??" And when I distractedly replied "Yes!" he laughed delightedly and said "No, no you're my MOMmy!" and giggled and giggled. Toddler humour. Go figure.


The toy of the day yesterday was a lemon. A lemon, yes, the fruit. He wanted a lemon, and so we gave him one and he carried it around for an hour or more, talking to it and placing it on things ("Lem .... on the table!") I was just thinking that we needed to buy new toys for him, because he's tired of what he has and we haven't bought any in ages and he really does need some new age-appropriate toys ...apparently what we actually need to do is just go to the grocery store. Maybe I can get an hour or two of peace from a lime this afternoon.


The Boy is going through a growth spurt and needs new shoes, so we trundled ourselves off to the cheap shoe store to see what we could find. We found a nice, serviceable pair of runners, and purchased those, and then found -- on the buy-one-get-one-half-price rack, a cute pair of boy's high top runners. With multi-colour laces! What fun! So we got those too and got home to find out that the soles smell like bubble gum. And not the sugary bubble gum of my youth, but instead some nasty chemically version thereof. Can I get a WTF? I mean, shoes that smell? Like bubblegum? Who thought THAT was a good idea? Are you supposed to WANT to eat them? Or ... what, exactly? And how long will that take to fade because .. dear Lord, ew. 

1 comment:

JS said...

WTR the toys... my boy has all manner of age appropriate toys/books/puzzles etc. yet only seems to play with a small subset.

I have often proposed the idea of a "toy share": find other kids around the same age and rotate the toys amongst them. It works at daycare and of course it is nothing new - we have this system for books. I mean why buy all this brand new plastic - an environmental nightmare - when 2nd hand plastic will work just as well?

On that note, I have age appropriate toys [puzzles, blocks, toys etc.] just hanging out here. Let me know if you want to borrow some once the whole lemon thing wears off. :D