Saturday, September 6, 2008

Extended Nursing

I have mentioned here in passing that I am in the process of weaning my child. This is a Long Process. I started doing the "don't offer, don't refuse" process about a year or more ago, and haven't offered since, but have been blessed by a child who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to ask for it. 

About three months ago, I started to get fed up, and I pushed the weaning process faster, with the result that we went from between 4 to 6 times a day / night (egad!) to once. Which is a blessed relief as far as I am concerned. I just couldn't keep up, and the sleep deprivation was finally making me physically ill. This now is a level I can handle, but I am actually still working towards final weaning because I just feel it's time -- for me if not for him. 

A few days ago, The Boy and The Man had a conversation.  Lately, The Boy has seen many of his daycare playmates acquire new siblings, especially his closest friend, P. He speaks of P's little brother a fair amount. At the same time, the prospect of a new sibling 'round our own parts (ha!) has come up once or twice in adult conversation, so it's a topic of conversation we encourage.

At one point, The Man asked The Boy if he would like his very own little brother or sister, our own baby around the house. The Boy was quite enthusiastic about the prospect (but he's 2.5, so we take that with a grain of salt. It's not like he realizes what that will actually be like.) They spoke of it for a few moments, and then The Man mentioned to The Boy that the baby would get to nurse, and The Boy wouldn't get to anymore. The Boy's reaction was immediate and unequivocal. 

"No baby!" he said. 

So much for that method of persuasion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oops. ;) I suspect this sort of thing is part of the reason people with closely-spaced kids end up tandem nursing ...

My sister told me a funny story this summer. When Baby Niece was very tiny, and Little Niece was four and a half and Not Pleased about not getting to have "nackies" any more, my sister used to read to Little Niece whenever Baby Niece was nursing (which was a LOT, because Baby Niece, as I may have mentioned, was a 28-week preemie and spent most of her first six months making up for lost growing time). Now, Little Niece is a serious bibliophile, but Baby Niece, not so much; at a certain point my sister noticed that Baby Niece had started to initiate reading sessions by toddling over with a book, and was thrilled because, hey, she's finally showing some interest in books!! -- but it turned out the motivation was somewhat different: just as Little Niece had gone through a phase of announcing that her sister was hungry in order to get Mommy to read to her, Baby Niece had made the same connection in reverse, and wanted Mommy to read so that she could get at the boobies :D

SP is still agitating for a younger sibling, too. Sigh.