Saturday, September 27, 2008

Late night blogging

Last night I lay in bed waiting to fall asleep and thought of an absolutely fascinating post to write. Truly. And then, of course, this morning the only part of it that I can remember is ... that I thought of an absolutely fascinating post to write. 

So we (I) survived the gymnastics. The Boy ran about like I had put methamphetamines in his breakfast (which I had not, for the curious), and climbed and clambered over things as he did last time. I suppose it's good for him; he gets a lot of energy released, at the very least. And I suppose that any running about means that he's learning new gross motor skills as he climbs around things. But it's not like he's going to be winning any Olympic medals anytime soon. Not that I expect that, regardless. 

Six weeks or so ago I suddenly had an urge to eat vegetables. Lots of them, and pretty much only them. I get like this from time to time. Not a diet, because I don't believe in them, but just a conscious effort towards putting raw food into my body as much as possible. I dropped a few pounds, and found that the less junk I ate, the less I wanted it. The other day I headed down to our local coffee shop for a treat and found myself overlooking the cookie I thought I wanted and getting an all-fruit smoothie instead. 

Today, however, we popped out to the grocery store, ostensibly for milk, and ended up coming home with boxes: macaroni and cheese and nanaimo bars. I have never made nanaimo bars, I have never wanted to make them, and I don't even eat them all that much. I find them too sweet most of the time. 

But this box, it called to me. I bought it, brought it home, and figured it might share the same fate as the box of brownies I bought about four years ago that was, until I cleaned the cupboards six months ago, still unopened. (now it's in the garbage, in case any of you are gasping in horror that I ate a three year old cake mix.) 

I made the nanaimo bars. I salivated throughout the making of them. And then I ate several while the chocolate on top was still cooling. 

I write this post feeling curiously satiated, calm and blissful. There's just something about indulging a craving, you know? Six weeks ago it was for raw broccoli. Alas, this one hit right at the same time that those jeans were finally beginning to fit. 

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