Thursday, March 24, 2011

After only eleven months, I think I have this housewife thing licked. Today? I'm wearing an apron.

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My daughter has suddenly decided that solids are TEH AWESOME. Over the past couple days she's had cereal, cream cheese, avocado, chicken broth, and minestrone soup. No lie. Who is this child? Never mind. It's a good thing. Hopefully she keeps it up. By the time daycare rolls around she'll be eating pizza on her own.

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Every day my daughter's hair gets redder and redder. Kinda. Like a strawberry blond. Or a ginger, but the colour of actual powdered ginger, not what people mean when they say ginger hair. Coppery, in some lights. Oh, hell, I still don't know. In some lights I think well, it's copper, for sure! How could I possibly think otherwise? and in others? It's just brown. Hopefully when the last of the birth hair falls out, and we get a reasonable amount of it, it'll be clear.

Or not. Maybe she'll just have copper highlights.

I'm not entirely sure why it matters to me, but I guess it would just be nice to have an answer when someone stops me and says "Hey, what colour is her hair?" It happens more often than you'd think.

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I was supposed to hear from the daycare today about a spot for her. I didn't. I'm not worried, but it sure would be nice to have it all nailed down. I've got one kid settled. Once I get the other one done I think I can buy some wine and sit down.

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