Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Child magnet

I haven't knit since before my daughter was born. Not for lack of desire: it's just not an activity (pointy sticks and knottable yarn) that goes well with baby care.

You'd think it would get better now she's older, but now I have a different problem: the mommy magnet. Meaning that if I ever find myself sitting comfortably on the couch, ready to knit or -- for example -- write a blog post, I am within mere minutes covered with children. I can sneakily sit down when my son is reading in the other room and my daughter is engaged with a toy and still, somehow, moments later, I am covered in children.

Incidentally this also works if I'm in the kitchen cleaning, or in the bathroom showering. My daughter, the mommy-seeker, has discovered the many advantages of mobility.

I do regret the loss of personal autonomy. I miss knitting. But this stage only lasts so long, and they will be grown before I know it.

And meanwhile I knit while standing at the dining room sideboard. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

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