Friday, March 18, 2011


I'm venting. Feel free not to read!

OK. Seriously, if one more person tells me that I just need to "nurse less" and my baby will suddenly miraculously start scarfing down food, I will probably punch them. I mean, don't they think I've been TRYING to feed her? For going on FIVE months now? That, despite how mean it is to withhold food from your child, that I've TRIED that? I've tried feeding her when she's hungry and not hungry and in between. I've tried purees and chunks and dry crackers. I've tried drinks and smoothies. I've done fruit and veggies and cereals and pasta and every goddam thing I can think of. What no one seems to be able to understand is that I cannot FORCE HER MOUTH OPEN. I cannot FORCE HER TO SWALLOW. Even the doctors have told me in no uncertain terms not to force things, because it will just make it worse. She does not WANT food in her mouth. She gags on it. She spits it out. She's starting to cry when she's in her high chair because she does NOT WANT TO BE THERE. Even though I am happy! And smiling! And offering! Not forcing! DOES. NOT. WANT.

She has a PROBLEM, ok, and I KNOW it, and I'm trying to DEAL with it, with therapy and specialists and whatnot, but telling me I'm just "nursing her too much" is NOT THE F'ING SOLUTION.

I'm nursing her because without that she would quite clearly STARVE.

1 comment:

wealhtheow said...

OMG OMG OMG. I know EXACTLY what you mean. ((hugs))

There's an awesome (well, very sad, but awesome-for-the-purpose) clinical anecdote in one of Jack Newman's breastfeeding books, about a little girl (older than yours) who will only nurse and eat Jello, and the paediatrician tells the mom to wean, and she does ... and then the little girl will only eat Jello.