Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mom of a girl fail

The barrettes. Nice, no? Alas after searching teh internets for barrettes that would stay in wispy hair and then making a special excursion to buy two of these at exorbitant expense ($8! What can I say? I'm a new girl mom) she promptly lost one.

Clearly this is why the girls in The Boy's preschool all have short hair. The experienced moms of girls know that these barrettes are the gateway drug to driving yourself batty and going broke.

1 comment:

wealhtheow said...

Yup. Over the 7 years since SP got hair, I've probably spent hundreds of dollars on hair thingies, many of which were never used and many more of which were used once, then lost ... somewhere.

On a related note, however, TEH CUTE!!! The chubby knee! The curly little foot!!!!