Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Other notes

Whether or not the time off from daycare and the trip to the beach and treats with mom did anything at all ... this morning The Boy himself brought up the pushing at daycare -- first that someone did it to him (which I'm sure is true -- it does happen) and then that he *didn't* do it (which I know is not true), and then, once I reacted calmly and non judgementally, revealed that he did push too. And we discussed, as the daycare says, that this is a "mistake" and we all make mistakes, but it's important to try not to do so, and if you do, to say sorry afterwards.

Who knows what will happen next, but I'm glad it's percolating around in his little brain, glad that he's considering things, glad that he brought it up with me to talk about it.

I'll hold off on my "Worst Mom" crown for a while yet.

1 comment:

AvenSarah said...

That's definitely a good thing. Progress by small steps is more likely to work in the long run, anyway.

The funniest thing about E.'s hitting phase was that, at first, daycare tried teaching him to use "gentle hands" instead of "rough hands". So at the end of each day, he'd come running up to me with a report on how he did that day: "Mommy! I used gentle hands today!" *pause* "And some rough hands, too!". To which I'd respond "I'm happy about the gentle hands! Yay! But sad about the rough hands" And he'd smile, and go happily on with his day. The problem was, he had soon worked out what he was supposed to do -- he just didn't want to! But it always amused me that he didn't in any way try to lie or cover up his 'rough hands' -- just reported it as part of the story of his day. (Of course, he knew he wouldn't be 'punished', because I never thought that would work with a 2.5 year old, hours after the incidents.)