Saturday, July 11, 2009


It's been many days since I was informed of any ill behaviour on the part of my child at daycare. In fact, the other day on the way home he informed me that he had been "respectful" at daycare. I have no idea what this means, although I dare to interpret it as a good thing -- I did ask, of course, and he said something about how he didn't hit or push anyone today. I made a big deal of this and mentioned how proud I was etc. etc. and am very glad I didn't call in a child psychologist to deal with my suddenly aggressive and out of control child when in fact this was a (very) temporary issue.


Today it is bright and sunny and I feel terribly virtuous that I already have a load of laundry hanging outside (mostly because I had three bundles of laundry yesterday from daycare, because there was so much dirty water play outside, so I just threw it all into the washer when I got home last night). It's close to dry, and it's only 9:30. The next one is in the washer, the temperature is increasing, and we have nothing to do today beyond enjoying ourselves. Tomorrow is the day we get ready for the week; today is the day for adventures and books and playing in the yard. And maybe a picnic, with kite flying. The possibilities are endless.

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