Saturday, September 19, 2009

The baby, she is home

And she is Beee-YOOOOO-tee-ful. She is clean, polished, shining, and running like a dream. If I get myself together (I have the world's crankiest preschooler today, someone has kidnapped my normal child with his good and bad moods, and replaced him with the anti-Christ.) I may have something to show tomorrow. And then maybe ... maybe ... I can go and find some batting and a backing and start the quilting. Woo-hoo!!


Soja said...

Yeah! Glad to hear it! Hopefully the boy has got whatever it is out of his system, and you can get going. Dad's left, I've had the machine out all ready and have made a dress - and it fits :-)And I've joined a European virtual quilting bee. It's all go here you know.

erin said...
