Saturday, September 5, 2009

Long weekend

How unfair is it that it's a long weekend and it's supposed to rain the entire time?

This morning we got up and just hung around in our pajamas for many hours. I love mornings like that. Quiet, unhurried. We watched a few videos on National Geographic, and I did a few chores. The Man made some lovely corn pancakes (arepas!) with black bean topping and sour cream, scrumptious. I highly recommend them.

We then dragged our child to the pool. The pool at the nearby university, which has some great floating toys and isn't too crowded with kids, and is nice and spacious. In fact its only drawback is that it doesn't have family changerooms. But the kid needed a Great Deal of convincing. I think he's just scared of the water, and I sympathize ... I hated swimming as a kid. Hated water. Hated getting splashed or getting my head wet. But I do think it's a good skill to have, so we drag him out kicking and screaming (I wish I were exaggerating!). He has a fine time once he's there. But going is a huge issue.

And now here I am, waiting with bated breath for an email from someone who told me by email yesterday that he had a belt for my sewing machine, which I SO WANT. It took me a while to track one down in this city ... apparently sewing isn't real popular or something, or at least, servicing sewing machines, especially old ones, isn't that popular. But track down one I did, and now I just need the guy to email me and let me know where I can pick it up. Please, oh please, let it be soon.

1 comment:

erin said...

Funny, once again you commented on my blog while I was reading yours!

Just wanted to chime in: please oh please let it be soon! I seriously love the quilt posts. How selfish of me, but it's SO GORGEOUS. You make me want to buy a sewing machine and try my hand at quilt making.