Wednesday, September 23, 2009

three and a half, you're a riot

Today in the car:

"Liam (daycare friend) told me today that I'm the yummiest thing in the whole world!"

(And all I can think of is: 15 years from now, that sentence will have a whole 'nother meaning.)

(Although come to think of it, I'm not sure what that means for three year olds, either.)




This is a recent development. Also:

"I don't like sun OR rain. I only like night. When will it be night?!"

Apparently I have birthed a vampire. Or he's been transformed at daycare while I work. Come to think of it, there are places in that building which are kind of dark.


The Man's company bought all the employees iPhones, and for some very generous reason offered to buy them for spouses too. We have to pay the fees, and the phone belongs to the company, but it's a nice perk, especially considering that the fees we're now paying for one phone are less than we used to pay for two. And -- iPhone! What fun! Anyway -- within days of them coming home our child could manipulate that thing better than I could, flipping back and forth between games and then complaining that Daddy's had better games than mine. And yesterday? Yesterday he bought software. Which is apparently supposed to require a password, one which has both letters and numbers, but somehow he did it anyway. I am amazed. And a tiny bit put out; it's a game that I know I would never play. It's not educational, even. He downloaded some fight / sci-fi / space game.

*sniff* They grow up so fast!

1 comment:

erin said...

NO WAY! N bought an app? Is that a proud papa smile I can see here all the way in Seattle?