Saturday, September 12, 2009

One week more

So I took the sewing machine to the repair guy this morning. He was very friendly and very helpful, and even tried to adjust the machine to use the original belt, but no go. And then he did a quick check over and pointed out a couple of other things that were wrong, and I just ended up asking how much a tune up would cost. When it wasn't that much more than the parts and labour would have costs from his original quote, I just thought ... meh. Might as well.

But that does mean that I won't be getting it back until next Saturday, because that's when I can go and pick it up.


Still. It needed a good tune up, and it has been meticulously cared for (he even noted some features that were in good shape), and it's worth it to get it completely restored so that it continues to work well into the future.

And what's one more week?


1 comment:

erin said...

But just think, it will be in tip top shape when you get it back. That will be a really good feeling (I'm guessing). It's Wednesday, we're almost there! (I'm counting down to the weekend, too, but that's just because I'm annoyed with work.)