Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today ...

... my kid was rude, uncooperative, and had a temper tantrum at daycare which eventually required me to carry him to the car by the back of his pants, because with his coat and lunch and my pregnant belly there was no other way to do it. It was dark and rainy and generally unpleasant, and I felt like a failure as a parent because he's been like this for days for no discernable reason and I can't get him to stop for love nor money.

... work sucked. I am asked to complete the impossible within the impossible time frame. And yet I will do it, because I'm a good little worker bee.

... the vet says that the cat is dying. We have no idea when and have no money to fix it, so we're just going to have to wait and watch and deal with a cat as she gets sicker and sicker.

It's times like this that I miss drinking.

1 comment:

Soja said...

:-( Hugs.... "time and the hour run through the roughest day...." it'll get better, N's mood will change for the better for no apparent reason, you'll get the work done and you'll make the rest of Kitty's life as comfortable as possible. x x