Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Two days to go

I'm tempted to write something overly melodramatic about WOOOOEEEE is MEEEEE, is there anything worse than having a sinus cold while pregnant when there are NO medications I can take????!!! MY KINGDOM for some NeoCitran.


But of course there are about a million things worse than that, all things considered. So let's just can the pity party and hand over the kleenexes. Yep, I'm tired and a tad cranky, because sleeping is hard. Yep, it sucks. Yep it makes my headaches worse, which makes me cranky as well. But ... baby! Christmas! Nice warm house! Great food! Cookies! Massage today!

Moving on.

I've also managed to finish some freelance work I've been doing -- technical writing / editing, for which I was paid a very tidy sum thankyouverymuch. (Which is the only reason I took it on; between a three year old and work and a house and a husband who works lots, I have no time / energy for freelance work, despite the freaky coincidences that have been shooting me opportunities over the past two months. Seriously, no work offers (and no attempts to find work) for five years, and then four people ask within the last two months. It's kind of a sign.) Anyway I'll be sending off the last thing today as well as a nice invoice which will handily pay for the overly expensive present I bought for my mother yesterday. Ahem.

My child and partner are sitting cuddled together playing games on his iPhone. I'm not sure I should allow this, with the shooting and stuff (none of it graphic, but still ... the idea of the game is to sink ships, so .... ) I have friends with boys who will not allow video games in the house. Part of me feels a little guilty about letting The Boy watch / play games; part of me knows that with a software engineer / video game player for a father, it's just inevitable. If not now, within a year. Or less. And at least with the video games he tends to interact and come up with ideas and think, vs watching videos where he sits there with a glazed expression.

And no, I don't believe that video games make you violent, unless you happen to have a mental illness to start with, or you start playing them instead of sleeping which would drive anyone to madness.

I sat and wrapped some presents yesterday, and between everything that I need to wrap I still have about half of them to go today. Sheesh. And it's not like we went totally overboard; I just have to buy for my family (two people), my parents, two friends, two uncles, and two nephews, and then two nearby birthdays, twelve people in total, some of whom received two gifts instead of one, which means close to twenty things to wrap. (The Boy got a few more than two presents.)

So. Ah well. Today I get to drop off the kid, do some grocery shopping, and go have a massage and then come home and wrap merrily all afternoon. There may be a movie. It really is a pretty good day.

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