Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Six months

She is six months old now, growing taller by the minute, smiling and giggling and wanting to touch everything. And she sits. Oh, she sits. On her mat in the living room, alone and unassisted, looking about at her world, grasping toys and playing.

I am a big fan of the 6-24 month set. I think it was my favourite stage, and the sitting is a big part of that ... They can play and interact and get around and aren't totally dependent but are still small enough to tote around. The learning! The joy! The fun! Oh how I love small toddlers!

But oh. When I see her, sitting there? I know my baby is gone. My son will be five in less than four months. FIVE. I know how fast it goes. And here she is, taking on the world already. How come it goes so fast?

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