Saturday, November 20, 2010

Yep, yep, too cold for us Vancouverites

So we did wake up to snow this morning -- a beautiful white covering on everything which quickly turned into frigid and unpleasant slush. There's nothing like going out in the morning to grab something quickly from the downstairs locker, and have a great hunk of slush from a nearby tree drip down your neck. God I love winter.

It was obvious from the look of things -- the iciness and heaviness of the snow, mostly -- that the whiteness was not going to last. So we encouraged The Boy to go out before breakfast. He thought we were nuts, but at last acquiesced, put on his coat and boots and went out to the patio. He walked around, made some footprints, and picked up a few globs of snow here and there.

We had been given -- no idea why -- a pink snowsuit for our daughter way back in the summer. Perhaps it's a ritual in other parts of Canada? Welcome a new baby with the necessary snow gear? It's been hanging in the closet since then, but we hauled it out and placed our daughter therein and suffered her to sit on the patio in the snow while we snapped a photo. We had to use it once, after being given it! She did not look thrilled. She was unimpressed with the snowsuit. We came inside.

Shortly thereafter The Boy declared it "too cold" and also came indoors.

I'm not-so-secretly thrilled to be raising hardy west-coasters.

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