Monday, August 11, 2008

Dinner time

Monday's are The Man's day off from work, and today just as with many (most!) other Mondays, I got home to a dinner that was scrumptious. 

Food is something I adore -- The Man and I spoke of this during our courtship and were very pleased to discover how much we both love to eat (why yes, we both HAVE gained weight since we met. Why do you ask?!) And it keeps getting better and better. I used to adore my mother's cooking; then I thought my ex was a pretty good cook too. Then I met The Man.

He is a great cook. Great. There's no two ways about it. He is. And then he met Cook's Illustrated, and our evening meal times have been scrumptious. So much so that every once in a while he cooks a meal during which all I can do is moan with delight. (The vegetable risotto was one such dish; the creamy tomato soup was too. And the cream scones? I'm salivating just thinking about them.) Tonight's dinner was pasta salad with roasted asparagus and red peppers and herbs with a light lemony dressing. 

I might just head back to the kitchen and eat my lunch for tomorrow. 


Anonymous said...



JS said...

Tonight's dinner - which I am eating as I read your blog is a mushroom risotto that *I* cooked - yep ME!

Thank you Cook's Illustrated - I'd be LOST without you.