Tuesday, March 16, 2010


-- A rare work post --

I work in an office of extroverts. I've said this before. There are nine of them now, they are multiplying. And I love them all, but they don't really appreciate that while I love them, they are exhausting to me. It wouldn't be so bad if I had a home wherein silence reigned, but I don't. And yes, I brought that upon myself, but ...

Anyway I'm getting off topic.

We moved into new office space about ... what ... six months ago? Eight months ago? And I'm lucky -- my seniority meant / means that I have a whole office to myself. A nice office, with a big window that faces east, so lots of natural light, and a door that closes and locks, and so I can sequester myself fairly well.


But I have no wall. I have a door, but no wall. Or rather, I have a wall, but it's made of glass. A big, floor to ceiling glass "wall" that separates me from the hallway. All the offices are like that. And so instead of an office, we all work in a huge fishbowl.

Normally this isn't a problem, I don't mind it. But there are times I'd just rather have a tad more privacy. Lately, for instance, I'd love to lie down on the floor and sleep, but the idea of having everyone able to walk by to the printer and watch me gives me pause.

It's more of a mental thing than physical -- I mean, aside from napping there's nothing I need to do in there that requires much privacy, I'd just like, on occasion, to just cut off the rest of the office for a short while.

So you can imagine that I was psyched -- totally PSYCHED -- when the admin assistant announced that WorkPlace had FINALLY, finally, finally managed to organize etching for the windows, so they'd be frosted instead of clear. Eight months after we moved in. Etching that should have been done, was planned to be done, before we ever moved in.

And it should come as no surprise that the guy showed up this morning, did two windows (of 12) and ran out of frosting. Yeah. Well planned, WorkPlace.


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