Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Ides of March

Last year around this time (I think it was April, but who's counting) I had one of those weeks where it felt like the sky was falling in. Not on me, but on everyone around me. The situation at work has gotten worse -- for me, a little, and for others I work with, a lot. People are stressed. I have one friend who is having a much worse work situation, and one who is having a bad marital situation (at almost 33 weeks pregnant like me, to boot) and the swirling chaos is just plain ugly.


BUT. But. My beloved hubs is coming home tonight from a business trip. My kid has been really, really good the last few days while the two of us have been on our own. (He wrote a letter to Santa yesterday which is just plain darling.) The sun is shining, the air is warm, the trees are in bloom, and I lucked out with parking for the second day in a row (which is nothing short of miraculous given that the Paralympics are in full swing a stone's throw from my office window). I have a nice cup of hot tea (decaffeinated, since I am still trying to be good, but still). And I'm having bacon for dinner. (Among other things. But still. Bacon! Yum!)

Life goes on.

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