Sunday, March 28, 2010

Not a newbie

As a birthday treat to myself, I went today to a nearby baby store and
bought myself a Moby wrap. I was big into baby carrying last time and
still have my beloved and well-used sling and my Ergo from last
time ... But I used a bjorn for newborn and didn't think much of it. I
noticed another mom at the daycare using a Moby for her newborn and it
seemed perfect.

So given I'll be buying nothing else for this baby, I thought this
would be great. I scoped them out a while back and found them at a
nearby store ... Price, colour etc. I checked their website and took
some time to deliberate about what I might want and need and use,
based on last time. And went back today.

I didn't have a lot of time, so I walked into the store and made a
beeline for what I wanted. Picked out a colour (forest green) from
what there was, headed straight for the register. Plunked it down.

She looked at me dubiously. "this is one of our most confusing
carriers," she said. "many moms don't like them as there's a lot to

I actually stood a moment confused as to what she was trying to tell
me. And when it slowly dawned I said "oh, no, this is my third
carrier, I'm fine."

And at that point all her reserve vanished and she cheerfully wrapped
it up and took my money. I guess there are some advantages to being an
old hand at this.

But one does wonder if it might have been better salesmanship -- and
more helpful, were I in fact a first timer, to, I don't know, offer
some help or something.

1 comment:

wealhtheow said...

Yeah, perhaps not the best customer service there ...

I imagine she's been on the receiving end of a lot of complaints from people wanting to bring them back because they're too hard to use, and was trying to head that outcome off at the pass (and maybe sell you something else that would give less trouble). But, yeah, offering help would be a much better way to accomplish that...