Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Free hands!

Unlike my son, my daughter as an infant will actually acquiesce to being put down. It's astonishing to me. I go so far as to say that I think she actually prefers being on her own every once in a while. While I was pregnant I was offered a floor play mat for infants and I (apparently thinking my two children would be exactly the same) declined it, so I took myself to the consignment store yesterday and bought the cheapest one I could find -- still not believing she would take to it.

(And also realizing it would within mere moments be covered in cat hair and descended upon by four-year-old boy. Which was another reason I declined the offered hand-me-down.)

She. Loves. It.

Oh, she's not content to lie there all day, but I am typing this post on the computer instead of one-handed (and ineptly) at the iPhone. Whee!!

In light of this and the fact that it's hot, and she dislikes being hot and therefore close baby carriers have become a love/hate situation, I hauled, this morning, our stroller out of storage. I cleaned it up a little, checked it over, and placed her in it because I needed a ton of stuff at the drug store and MAN, is that little stroller basket easier than carrying back diapers, wipes, and assorted baby goods along with a 14 pound baby.

She lasted 1.5 blocks before bursting into terrified tears. And this from a baby who actually rarely cries.

At least some things don't change, I guess. And carrying a baby while pushing a stroller laden with goods is still easier than carrying them.

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