Thursday, July 22, 2010


The Girl continues to be a bit grumpy and as comfy as my rocker is, my back aches after several hours in it. A deep ache, unrelieved by subtle shifts in position that I attempt. I miss going out. I miss folded laundry. I miss doing other things.

But I also realize that this is one of the most important and wonderful things I will ever do. My daughter knows I am there for her 100%. She finds comfort in the world as she gets to know it, and comfort with me.

And for myself, I know I will never get these days back. I kiss her sleepy head, smooth her hair, stroke her limbs. I feel her soft skin and brush my lips over her forehead, marveling at the feel of it. This is it, the last one. I can't believe she's almost three months old already, and I know the coming months will speed by just as quickly. And I'm still overwhelmed by her beauty, and by my love for her.

And this is why I keep rocking for hours, despite the bone-deep ache. I would do anything for her, and holding her close is a small piece of heaven.

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