Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm probably the last person around to hear about this (I often am), but I just watched this video, where a man who survived Auschwitz goes back 63 years later with his daughter and five grandchildren and dances in front of many of the Holocaust sites in Poland ... I have to say, I realize why some people might find it offensive, but to me, it gave me hope. First of all, I want to note that I don't think I have any right to judge the actions of a man who survived such a horrific thing, and if he wants to go back there and dance I say: That's HIS choice, and I applaud him for it. And for another ... well, isn't that just the biggest affirmation there is? Someone tried to wipe out a race, and 63 years later this man comes back and thumbs his nose at it -- he not only survived, but he has five grandkids. There was evil in the world, and it didn't succeed. There's something terribly life-affirming in that.

And there's nothing wrong with life-affirming, IMHO.

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