Monday, March 29, 2010

Well, THAT was a surprise

I slept extremely poorly last night, and was too tired this morning to do anything but moan piteously when it was our regular waking time, so I stayed home. I emailed my boss to say I wasn't coming in in the morning, but by the afternoon was nauseous and feeling worse, so I just took the day off.

I've been feeling a few other things as well -- backache, tension, restlessness, slight abdominal cramping, so I hummed and hawed but finally did call the midwife around 4 and left her a message -- due to daycare pick up and a few other things, I only managed to touch base with her ten minutes ago, and largely expected to hear her say her usual -- oh, that's normal, no worries, watch for labour symptoms and call me back, but everything's ok.

What I got instead was modified bed rest.

Oh, sure just for a few days. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's just a few symptoms here and there, maybe it's just a small stomach issue.

Or maybe this is early labour. It feels enough to me like early labour that I could be convinced.

Whoa. Was SO NOT expecting that.

It's only 34.5 weeks here people, so please help me out and think good sticking around thoughts for another two weeks at least. We'd like another two weeks. That's all, I'm not greedy. Two weeks, and the baby will be close enough to full term that I'll feel better. Oh, sure, 34.5 weeks sure isn't bad, and the baby will likely be fine and all. I'm not too worried.

But another two weeks would sure be good.


AvenSarah said...

I'll cross my fingers for you -- and tie some knots, and the other acts of sympathetic magic that Hera resorted to in order to keep Herakles from being born first and inheriting instead of his cousin. (Geeky enough well-wishes for you? :)

Oh, and to further distract you in your bedresting state, I've now reached the point where I'm able to share our news--I'm pregnant, too! Just 12.5 weeks, so I'll be approximately the same distance behind you on this one as I was for our first(s)... Thanks for continuing to trail-blaze for me!

Soja said...

OK, sending two-more-weeks-please- vibes! Hope you feel better soon. Sorry to have missed two birthdays :-( Will send a package soon... and get out of this cave.... x

wealhtheow said...

Fingers crossed, and sticky baby vibes heading your way!!

erin said...

xoxoxoxoxox! Thinking sticking thoughts!

I have a big email half written back to you, but it's been so thought-provoking that I might turn it into a blog post. Thanks for the inspiration, your last comment on my blog really struck me!