Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

On my very first Mother's Day, four years ago, my then two month old son managed to, at one time or another over the course of the day, shower me with every possible bodily excressence. I figured he was showing me how much he loved me.

This Mother's Day my children were both awake at 5am. One needing cuddles and covers and love, the other needing the diaper change of a lifetime (which for her, I guess it was!). Of course last night was the first night I didn't bring wipes into the bedroom with me at bedtime, so had to clean my daughter with the last few bits of remaining toilet paper in the ensuite bath.

And of course by the time I finished with the cuddles and covers and diapers and all, I was wide awake. I lay in the bed, my daughter nursing away, listening to my son sleeping, and despite being wide awake at 5am I felt -- and still feel -- very grateful and lucky.

Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there, and Happy Women's Day for anyone who might not have kids. Let's just celebrate all of us no matter what, and appreciate who we are and what we have.

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