Friday, May 14, 2010

On my mind

* the paperwork. Man, is there a lot of paperwork to sort out with having a baby. I only just got the first of it completed yesterday. Phew. Just her registration with the government. Now I have to get her insured and get my EI payments started and get my work top up organized. How they expect people to do this immediately after giving birth, I'll never know.

* the house. Is a mess. Not actually a mess, the cleaners were here today, but a CLUTTER. God, we have so much STUFF, and it's all lying around haphazardly and it drives me crazy. My goal this year is to get rid of stuff every single week. (Preferably every day, but I want to make sure I have an attainable goal with a four year old, a small baby, and a house to take care of, not to mention a husband I'd like to spend some time with.) If we're going to live in a small space, it needs to work, you know? It needs to flow and make sense and have space for things, and if there is no space for something, we need to either find it space or get rid of it. That's my goal for the year.

* the recovery. Man, I can't believe it's only been two weeks since I gave birth! I feel so much better than I did last time! Or I would, if I wasn't still a.) sleep deprived and b.) sick with a cold. A mild cold, to be sure, but a cold nonetheless. The saving grace is that the baby hasn't got it. Yet.

* the weather. Wow, is it ever nice out!!

* the girly stuff. We got a gift certificate from friends for one of the many overpriced but adorable baby stores around here, and so I took myself down and bought a very girly little dress and some girly shoes for my daughter, who will otherwise be made to wear monster truck shirts and khakis all her life being the fourth grandchild in my family and only girl. It was a great moment and I love the pieces, but one dress and one pair of shoes cost us the entirety of the $50 gift certificate. Which is why she will learn to love monster trucks because no way can we afford to do THAT her whole life.

* weight. For some reason I keep seeing so many articles these days on weight, and I'm wondering how I can encourage my daughter to love her body and her weight. I know it's a little early for this, but it's on my mind anyway. I mean, I am genetically blessed with natural leanness, and I have a mother who had a very healthy attitude towards food, and I still spent my high school years thinking I was fat, and comparing myself to friends, and being happy when I made it through the day with few calories.

Yeah. Not. Healthy.

I never dieted like crazy or had a real eating disorder, but if someone who is 5'6" in high school and weighs less than 100 lb (I'm still 5'6" but now at 36 I haven't weighed close to 100 pounds in close to 20 years. Except for the post-divorce diet when I think I got close, but that was short-lived.) Anyway, if I could be that size and be concerned with weight, even with a mom who never dieted or suggested it for herself or anyone else ... how will I possibly help my daughter to accept herself at the size she is, with the media circus of thinness?

* We are unsure what to make of today's baby gift from The Man's parent's church ladies' group: nursing cover-ups. On the one hand -- very nice of them to think of us! And yay on promoting breastfeeding! On the other -- I will never, ever use them. I nurse in public without a problem and will continue to do so and do not feel the need to stifle my child so that no one sees a slice of flesh that they would easily see were we on the beach or at the swimming pool. Or if I were wearing a particularly low-cut top.

Oh, and also they addressed the package under The Man's full name which is only ever used by the government. So a thank you note will undoubtedly be written, but the gift itself sadly sent to consignment directly. Which is a shame, they are beautifully hand made and were they an item of clothing I'd likely have kept it forever.

* We are anticipating the arrival of The Man's aunt and uncle any moment now. Hopefully by then I'll be fully clothed if I can just get up and get a shirt without The Girl protesting the loss of her sustenance.

1 comment:

wealhtheow said...

You can get awesome girly stuff at consignment and second-hand stores...

Nursing cover-ups ::snork:: I got some really bizarre baby gifts just before and just after SP was born, including a creepy gift basket containing a baby bottle and a sleeper stuffed with balled-up tissue paper to look like a headless baby ::shudder:: I think someone actually did give me a nursing canopy, and I'm pretty sure it must have ended up at Once Upon a Child, because I can guarantee I never used one. OTOH, with that demographic, I'm inclined to award points just for not giving you a bottle sterilizer or something :P