Thursday, December 4, 2008

Made it!

So the precious wee lad was out like a light, done like dinner, at 7:30 last night, and I staggered out to the living room to curl up on the couch and stare blearily at a movie I had procured. The Man got home last night just before nine, exhausted from a whirlwind three-day trip to the far east (that's Canada's far east, not the Asian one). I went to bed at 9:30, and got up at 7:30, but had a waking in the night for a half to full hour or so (I try never to check the time for these, it's far, far too depressing!)

I am very tired this morning. I'm battling a cold, for one thing, but I admit I sat here stumped this morning wondering why I was so tired. So out of curiosity I thought to myself ... what did I eat yesterday? 

I've never in my life counted calories, so I don't have the first clue how to do it, but I looked up on the web for some advice on it and totalled everything I ate yesterday and realized that I ate about 1000 calories. If I'm being terribly generous. (Four fruit bears is 100 calories, right?) Now I realize that being a small person who is relatively sedentary that means that I don't need the full 2000 calories each day that they recommend for women, but 1000 calories? Is apparently for EXTREME weight loss. I'm not losing weight, I hasten to add, I'm just thinking that maybe? on those days I'm home alone with my kid? That eating might be a good way to get through the day with a little less exhaustion. 

Just sayin.

1 comment:

wealhtheow said...

Dude. Food = good!

(Forgetting to eat is not a problem I have. My problem is forgetting to stop eating. Ever since I stopped being a milk factory, I have been turning into a hippopotoperson.)