Monday, December 15, 2008

Something strange has happened to the city of Vancouver

It's been ... ploughed

Yeah, yeah, I know, some of you -- anyone who deals with snow regularly in winter -- are thinking .. well, duh. But you know, the reason I hate snow is that Vancouver, as I mentioned yesterday, deals with it extremely poorly. And yet today .... all the main roads are clear. The side streets aren't too bad. People can drive. And the snow around ... 

excuse me a moment while I get all white-christmassy on you ...

the snow looks magical. 

Man, if having snow was like this all the time, I might not hate it that much.

I suppose now is the time to reconsider that move to Alberta.


erin said...

I am so jealous. Our snow melted, but we've got tons of leftover ice all over the place. And no signs of salt or sand. Blargh. Bravo, Vancouver!

wealhtheow said...

I suspect what you're seeing is the municipal government practising for February 2010 (or whenever the Olympics is...). I remember Calgary suddenly got lots of roads without potholes shortly before the 1988 Olympics (in addition to, y'know, all the new sports facilities &c.). And since we've paid for it, you might as well enjoy it ;)

Meanwhile, here in Toronto we've had two days of rain, followed this afternoon by a sudden drop in temperature such that tomorrow morning every walking surface will no doubt be a sheet of black ice. Sigh.