Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry belated Christmas

So the past few days the cold has changed into a sinus nastiness that has amazed with with its prodigious amount of production (ahem!) and into -- oh joy and rapture! -- yet another case of pink eye. How is it that I have had pink eye twice this year and not ever before in my entire life? Is this a daycare thing, or am I just terribly unlucky? 

Anyway, we hied ourselves to the nearby clinic yesterday to deal with the grossness before it became truly horrifying, and I made yet another mental note about the wonderfulness that is Victoria -- only a single other person ahead of me at the clinic! We were in and out in less than half an hour!

(Might I just note though, that the doctor came into the room, asked what the problem was, and began writing on his prescription pad once I told him, without once even looking at my eyes? I mean, I'm happy that he trusts my word as to my affliction, given I have no medical training whatsoever, but shouldn't he have perhaps once just had a quick peek?? I mean, we do have a problem with antibiotic overuse, and should he adopt this routine with everyone, I think it could really compound the problem. Just sayin'.)

And then the inconvenience of Victoria came back to haunt us when we had to drive over hell's half acre to find a damn pharmacy that was open. 

Anyway, we did manage to find one, and were served by a woman about my age who looked hauntingly familiar. I arrive back in my hometown once a year or more and rarely see anyone I know from high school, but I was certain that she figured in my schooling experience in this town, but try as I might I could not remember her name. Completely gone. And she didn't seem to recognize me, so perhaps I was wrong. After all, she knew my name, and surely if it had rung a bell, she would have said something. 

Or not, perhaps she was just shy. I pondered this riddle all afternoon, even going so far as to dig out my high school year book to see if I could find her picture, to no avail. I gave it up as a lost cause; it doesn't matter that much, of course. 

And then this morning. Well, last night. At around 3am. I was awake, or perhaps half asleep, and all of a sudden I knew. I knew. Of course! That was her name! And it was of course obvious. And I'd remember in the morning!

And off back to sleep.

Only this morning? I remember that I woke up and remembered her name. But not for the life of me do I actually remember the name itself. 


Anyway. I hope everyone had a nice Christmas / Hanukkah / holiday season. If I don't write again for sometime it's probably because I have completely succumbed to this cold and can no longer create coherent sentences. 

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