Sunday, August 16, 2009


After literally hours of placing rectangles, this is what I have. It's still not perfect ... I'm sure there's someone on earth who revels in this activity, of moving colours around for ages on end searching for the perfect combination, but I am not that person. There comes a point where the frustration of the arrangement starts to detract from the enjoyment of the entire project ... and lest that happen while I at this stage on the quilt, I think I will begin sewing before I decide to stuff the entire thing into the closet.

1 comment:

Soja said...

Yup, just sew it! It'll be great.

Goodluck with the gluten thing, if it means you feel better, it's worth it. I can sympathise with the label-reading and eating out of course. :-) In my case, milk proteins are in everything. It's not a problem now, so I guess it gets easier.