Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Wow. This is bigger than I thought. That's a queen sized sheet underneath it.


erin said...

Wow, that is really gorgeous!

wealhtheow said...

but so pretty! :D

Soja said...

Wow, this looks great! Your posts have just turned up over here, strange. I think this arrangement looks really balanced. I'd go with it, as you say, stack them up in order and chain-piece them into rows.

So far, I have been able to arrange stuff on my dining room table, and try and shoo the cat away. I know that some quilters have a big piece of flannel/brushed cotton on the wall - apparently the fabric will just "stick" to this, without any help so that the pieces can be rearranged. I haven't tried this, maybe if you have a flannel sheet you could pin it up somewhere?

But I'd definitely go with this layout ;-)

Soja said...

PS, It'll be smaller when the rectangles are all sewn together - you'll lose 1/2" per rectangle in seams.