Saturday, August 15, 2009

Nothing new here

I haven't done any more work on the quilt, but not for lack of wanting to. I have this grand plan, that once I have all the squares in the order I want them in, I can sew on the stars and pile the rectangles in an easily accessible pile ready to be sewn.

After I have them in order. Which is the problem. It just seems so much *work* to unroll that and prevent the child and all the cats from walking all over them while I hum and haw over where they should go and all. Despite the fact that I greatly enjoy doing stuff like this, I don't actually think I'm very good at colour theory and ... well, design. I used to do a fair amount of graphic design at my job, but that's all gone in recent years when I a.) ran out of time to do it and b.) realized I really wasn't that good at it.

Anyway. Part of me thinks that I should just sew them together they way they are now -- haphazard, it might be, but no two similar squares are together or even too close, so I think it could work. And really I have no idea how I'd make it that much better in re-arrangement.

And part of me thinks that I really need to take some time and figure it out. You know, instantaneously develop an aesthetic sense.

So we shall see. I have more time this weekend and the house is mainly clean, so I'll be rolling out that sheet and figuring out some stuff. Hopefully there will be more photos soon.

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