Sunday, August 9, 2009

This is clearly an instance of people having too much time on their hands

including me, I suppose.

But the Singer Sewing Machine website has DATES for sewing machine manufacture, and so now I can tell that this particular machine was manufactured ... so not kidding ... the week of August 25, 1947.

I suppose the good news is that with such meticulous records that are obviously of use to more than just me (why else would they be ONLINE??), the company might be able to provide parts (and perhaps even service) should I need it.

Also, for the machine itself, the good news is that she keeps getting younger and younger.

1 comment:

erin said...

That is so amazing... ah, the good old days, when things were manufactured with quality and durability in mind. It drives me nuts how disposable everything is these days, how things break and we are often forced to simply replace them (because who offers parts?!) (Well, Singer, apparently. Yay for Singer!)