Wednesday, October 21, 2009

At least this time I managed to wear a shirt in a contrasting colour

(Yes, E, more headless pregnant lady shots!)

My belly is officially bigger than my chest. Which for the record has gone up a cup size, so it's holding its own. I feel like a walking advertisement for caution with reproduction: beware, on your second pregnancy, you'll be bigger than a house! Witness this lady, not even three months and already popped right out! AIIIIEEEEEEE!!!

It also puts me in the curious dilemma: again with the work. I still haven't told my work, because I was waiting until the traditional 12 week mark (or rather about 14 weeks for safety), but a.) it's patently obvious and b.) this is the only time in this pregnancy that I'm going to be "cute" pregnant, and instead of hiding it behind baggy clothes (note I'm holding the shirt in the picture above -- it's very baggy), I'd kind of like to indulge my inner vanity with wearing a shirt or two that shows off a cute little baby bump.

You know, for the next two weeks until it starts scaring people.

Yes, I realize that life is good when these are the things that are keeping me up at night.

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